Resources / Brands / Tierry & Sons

Tierry & Sons

Este, Viault-Este, Viault-Este/Tierry & Sons. Paris, France. The firm is first listed in Bottin's "Almanach du Commerce" in 1821 under "Bottiers". as Este, pour Dames, rue de la Paix 13." Viault seems to have bought or married into or inherited the business by 1838-39. In 1839 the company is listed under Viault only, but from 1840, the name appears hyphenated as Viault-Este. In 1849 the labels were revised and the address was changed from number 13 to 17. In the 1840s the company's export expanded and by 1852 or 53 and association with Tierry and Sons in London was established. Exports declines after 1860s and the are fewer surviving shoes under Ester name with heels after 1865. Between 1880 and before 1885 Viault-Este moved to rue de la Paix, 20, and shortly after this partnership with Tierry and Sons was terminated and its name was cut off from labels dating later 1880s. In 1890 the firm moved to Chauveau Lagarde, 18 and the company was still in business at that address in 1895.